Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Is it all about eating and food?

Is it all about eating and food? Looking back at previous blog postings, it sure seems like it! It seems like a blog about food at times... Recipes, food product reviews, food logs... LOL But, is that what it is all about? Is life after WLS just day after day of thinking about food?

There are times when life seems "normal." What is normal? Normal is getting up, going to work, doing your "chores," spending some time with your family, catching up on email, surfing the net a bit, and yes, whether we like it or not--eating! The difference after WLS? We eat to live instead of living to eat... Food is now fuel to keep us going physically instead of that mental motivator/comforter that it used to be for so many. I know folks who go through their work morning salivating over their lunch plans or evening dinner plans. They "plan" these meals and anticipate them with a fervor that is just not a part of my life anymore. Food is still good and I crave flavor when I eat. But, I don't crave FOOD the way I did at one point. I still, 19 months after WLS, feel no true hunger. Sure, I get a food craving from time to time and I often indulge the craving just to get past it. But, true hunger is a thing of the past for me (at least at this time). I don't get the tummy rumbling churn of the past and I don't miss it. I do miss the cue that I should eat as I often forget for hours now that it is lunch or dinner time and find myself way late for scheduled meals which can often leave a WLS postop behind on their protein for the day. But, I don't miss the hunger rumble that lead to over-indulging on a regular basis. I don't miss feeling the need to eat in that sense.

As I said though, when I do eat I crave FLAVOR! Food needs to be savory and flavorful. When you eat such small amounts of food, it should be good, right?? LOL My hubby has enjoyed this after-effect of WLS. He tells me often that I was a good cook before surgery, but I am a GREAT cook since my surgery. I've learned more about spices and use spices and fresh ingredients more often now. I want to maximize the flavor of things so that each little bite is something to savor and enjoy. I look for recipes everywhere and I don't look only for WLS friendly recipes as I'm pretty good at modifying things to be better suited to the WLS postop lifestyle and hubby's diabetic needs. Hubby is a lover of food and the good food he gets when he is home has to keep him till he makes it back. Remember he is a trucker and is on the road for about 2 weeks at a time. During those two weeks on the road, he has to make do with truck stop cafes and fast food--sometimes a real chore for a diabetic... He calls me those last few days that he is on the road and asks, "So, whatchya gonna cook for me when I get home?" And, not only do I plan great meals for the days he is to be home, I also have yummy leftovers in the fridge for lunches! Lately, my oldest and her hubby have been staying over a few days while daddy is home. Maybe that is about the good food too? Who knows! LOL

For those days when hubby is home, I find that I sort of obsess over food--what I will prepare, the ingredients I use and shopping for them, how much to fix, whether it makes a good leftover/lunch item... Then, when he is gone again, food loses its appeal for several days. I go back to protein bars and Egg Beaters...again, eating to live instead of living to eat!

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