Monday, August 4, 2008

Garden Bounty!

After spending a week at the county fair running a concession wagon, I finally got a chance yesterday to go through my garden looking for goodies to eat! I was thrilled to harvest yellow squash, cucumbers, green onions, tons of tomatoes, peppers of different varieties, and green beans.

And, check out these squash! They are a foot long!

The last thing I picked were the beans... These are Kentucky Wonder pole beans--my absolute favorite bean...
Aren't they gorgeous!! They were the only real protein in my veggie dinner last night. We had fresh corn on the cob from a friend's garden (mine isn't ready yet), these beans cooked in the pressure cooker, and cut up a fresh 'mater (tomato) to round out the plate. It was a red, green and yellow masterpiece! I wish I'd snapped a pic for you all!

I also have pumpkins that are just about basketball sized and string beans a-plenty! I need to get to the store this week and get some canning jars and some rings for my old jars...

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