Last night was a never-ending canning session... Yesterday, I picked about 50 to 60 pounds of Tenderette grean beans (a bush bean). Then, I snapped them... Then, I washed them... Next, I washed my jars and got my lids and rings ready to boil. I got my pressure canners ready. I got my other assorted stuff out and ready and got my huge water-bath canning pot filled with green beans and water to blanch the beans to prepare them to go in the jars. THEN, the real work began! LOL You can only run 7 jars at a time through the pressure canner and I could only use one canner for the first while till I had all the beans jarred and that took 3 big batches in the water-bath pot. When I finally got all the beans jarred, I started running both pressure canners, one batch after another.
Guess how many QUART jars I did between midnight last night and 7 am this morning????? 42! Forty-two jars of lovely, home-grown green beans! And, I fell into my bed just shy of 8 am this morning and slept fitfully till just about 1 pm today.
After I got up (because hubby kept calling and waking me up and I gave up on sleeping), I hit the lawn mower till it started raining on me. Then, I hit the kitchen again and peeled, cored and canned 6 pints of tomatoes that were approaching the too ripe to use point. I used to can about 200 pounds of tomatoes per season and have not done so in about 10 years. It feels pretty good to get back into the swing of these things after so many years of health issues that kept me from doing so...
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