Sunday, April 20, 2008

Garden progress update

I spent Weds afternoon pulling stalky weeds out of the area where my garden is to be. Then, later Weds afternoon, the guy showed up with the tractor to plow it for me. I went on Friday and picked up some of my plants. So far, I've gotten the following:
peppers--sweet/bell, chili peppers, and jalapenos
tomatoes--roma and regular

I also got seeds for the green beans (tenderette) yesterday. This week, I'll pick up some romaine lettuce plants (they had them at the grocery store on Friday, but I was waiting to see what the nursery had). I will also pick up seeds for cantaloupe, corn, yellow squash, and cucumbers. I still need seeds for either cherry or grape tomatoes (LOVE those babies as a snack or in salads). And, I've got to get some onion sets too and get those in the ground ASAP.

I'm still up in the air on whether or not to do the following:
strawberries (because of needing to order the plants and the struggle to keep the critters away)
carrots (we feed a lot of carrots to our rabbits)
potatoes (don't eat many)
pumpkins (probably both a jack-o-lantern type and kershaws for pies and such)
gourds (for bird houses next spring)

I thought about some sort of herbs but haven't a clue where to start. I don't use a lot of herbs in cooking, so it would mean being able to explore what I could DO with them if I grew them... I welcome suggestions on that one! (hint, hint--leave me a comment!)

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